Getting started with a rails 5.2 project

Hopefully your using Rbenv to manage ruby versions.

Install and create your app

rbenv install 2.3.1p112 gem install rails

Create your project

rails new practice_rails

Stand it up and browse to localhost:3000

cd practice_rails rails server

Some house cleaning

Comment out coffee script from your Gemfile, if you feel the way I do


gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.2'


Lets not generate assets or helpers by default. Add the following to config/application.rb

``` class Application < Rails::Application

# don't generate assets or helpers (add this)
config.generators do |generate|
  generate.helper false
  generate.assets false

end ```

Add a welcome page

Generate a welcome controller with a index method

rails g controller welcome index

And modify your config/routes.rb to point to it

root 'welcome#index'

Then browse localhost:3000 to see it in action

Style things a bit


Let's style by using Normalize to css reset some bad browser behavior. Create a file app/assets/stylesheets/normalize.css and copy the normalize code into it.

Make it pretty

Lets make things a tiny bit better with bourbon.

Add the following two lines to your Gemfile

gem 'bourbon' gem 'bitters'

Install the gems and bourbon stylesheets

bundle install --path=vendor bundle exec bourbon install --path app/assets/stylesheets/

Then install bitters to make it pretty & make application.css a sass file

cd app/assets/stylesheets && bundle exec bitters install cd ../../../ && mv app/assets/stylesheets/application.css app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss

Add the directives to the app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss file

@import "bourbon/bourbon" @import "base/base"