See how to control the Nao Robot from the interactive python shell. Meaning you type the commands, press enter and Nao moves.

This is useful when showing Nao to a group of people and wanting to really quickly get nao into a position like "sit", "stand", etc. But it also powerful enough to get nao into any position and useful for creating animations to embed in your applications.

Accomplished with FluentNao, an open source python library that also powers naoscript; a application available via the Nao Store.

NOTE: to get this to work you have to add the nao python sdk and the path to FluentNao to your python path like so:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path_to_fluent_nao/FluentNao/src/main/python
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path_to_sdk/python-2.7-naoqi-1.14-linux64