
Cache Jquery Ajax

Oct 20, 2014

Here is a very simple approach to caching Jquery ajax calls.

The Model

Here is a simple prototype that will represent out Model and be responsible for making ajax calls.

function MyModel(options) {
    this.url = "";

// cache
MyModel.prototype.cache = {};

// ajax method
MyModel.prototype.all = function (url) {

    // key to uniquely identify ajax call
    var cacheKey = 'all()';

    // check cache?
    if (!this.cache[cacheKey])
        // add to cache
        this.cache[cacheKey] = $.ajax({
            url: this.url,
            method: 'GET'

    // return promise
    return this.cache[cacheKey];

Notice how we store the jquery promise, which callers will use to fetch data.

Unlike a regular jquery events (binds and triggers) which must be caught right at the moment, a jquery promise can be used at any point after it's completion. This is perfect for caching where subsequent calls will definitely be too late for a triggered event.

The View

Now a prototype that would be responsible for using the model to fetch data and render it somewhere.

function MyView(options) { }

MyView.prototype.renderSomething = function () {

    // construct model
    var model = new MyModel();

    // call method

            // add data to MyView
   = data;

            // render here

        }, this)


We simply created the model and used the .done method of the promise to deal with the data right there inline; we could have used a callback as well. Also because we used the jquery proxy, the keyword 'this' still refers to the MyView.