I had a great time at the Bay Area Nao Dev's meetup and thought it might be fun to write up a post showing how to handle events like voice recognition with FluentNao. This post assumes you have setup fluent-nao first.

Create a Script

Since you already have FluentNao code on your machine, copy/rename the bootstrap.py file to create a very simple script

cp bootstrap.py my-script.py

Fluent Nao

Clear everything out of that file except the following code.

  • Be sure to update the naoIP so it points to your Nao Robot's ipaddress.
  • Get the ipaddress by pushing Nao's chest button once.

    import math import naoutil.naoenv as naoenv import naoutil.memory as memory import fluentnao.nao as nao from datetime import datetime from naoutil import broker

    naoutil broker & env

    naoIp = "" broker.Broker('bootstrapBroker', naoIp=naoIp, naoPort=9559) env = naoenv.make_environment(None) #using broker don't need ->, ipaddr="nao.local", port=9559)


    nao = nao.Nao(env, None)

Voice Recognition code

  1. Set a vocabulary to use
  2. Define a callback for voice recognition events
  3. Subscribe to the voice recognition

Using the following code..

# set VR Vocabulary
vocab = ['sit', 'stand', 'hands open']
nao.env.speechRecognition.setVocabulary(vocab, True)

# define VR callback
def speech_callback(dataName, value, message):
    print value

    if value == 'sit'

    if value == 'stand'

    if value == 'hands open'

# subscribe to VR
memory.subscribeToEvent('WordRecognized', speech_callback)

Run Your Script

Run your script and tell nao to "sit"

python my-script.py