I used active record to map a legacy database and packaged the active record models in a gem. When you do that you end up with a model embedded in a module path, for example something like this class Legacy::Database::Product

When you roll this into rails and use scaffold you'll end up with paths like /legacy/database/products and path variables like legacy_database_products_path.

So lets fix all that! Start by assuming we have a rails project and have included our gem.

Generate the scaffold

Note you'll need to include the attributes of your model so the forms generate correctly.

rails generate scaffold Products title:string description:text price:decimal

Clean up

Remove the generated model, migration, fixtures/factory and unit test for the model.

Shorter Routes

Update the routes to /products by adjusting the config/routes.rb file.

resources :products, path: '/products'

Now your paths / path variables will be shallow and not include module names.


Anywhere that a model is passed to a form_for needs the addition of the url

form_for(@product, {
    url: (@product.new_record? ? products_path : product_path(@product)),
    method: (@product.new_record? ? :post : :put)
}) do |f|

link_to methods that don't include a path variable (ex. link_to 'Show', @product) need to inlcude the path variable.

link_to 'Show', product_path(@product)


The create and update actions have a params key that will need to be updated (params[:product]) to a param key including the module names.


Functional Tests

The scaffold will create automated tests and there are a few changes to make.

First add the module name to the assert_difference in the destory test.

 test "should destroy product" do
        assert_difference('Legacy::Database::Product.count', -1)...

And the parameter names for the update and create tests

 test "should create product" do
        assert_difference('Legacy::Database::Product.count') do
            post :create, {legacy_database_product: {

    test "should update product" do
        put :update, {id: @product, legacy_database_product: {


You have integrated a your gem packaged active record classes into your rails project, used the scaffolding and ended up with reasonable paths & path variables. Enjoy